Free Vouchers – NGOs & International Organizations

Lychee App meets the need of all international and non-profit institutions; to reach more audience, and reduce the logistical procedures they apply.

Where a voucher can be issued by Lychee Tech for a specific project such as a winter Basket, a Health Packages or a Food Basket, and the beneficiary shall visit the previously announced stores and places in his/her area to redeem the voucher, without the need for the INGO to purchase these packages and then distribute them in many trucks with staff to reach all regions, and then prepare reports about delivery status and remaining stock.

Now all of this is available directly in real time and greatly saves logistics costs.

We can create the appropriate procedure for each project according to its requirements in the best way!

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red_crosspng_1676963969521986018567.png Red Cross & Red Crescent  Vouchers

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